Sunday, July 13, 2008

SOmeone you Love About to be Deployed?

You know, I spent so much time this past year and a half concentrating mostly on those deployed with my friend. There are a couple VERY GOOD websights and blogs out there where I was able to "cyber meet" and communicate with so many men and women who have/had family or friends deployed with Terry. AS they are all coming home (Or home) I decided to stop by one of the sights I use to frequent and see how everyone was fairing-

Right next to my "usual" forum was one for men and women whose family and friends would soon be deployed. I remember the first days when I would see post after post for help finding resources. Resources to cope, resources for help- resources for information. I can't imagine that kind of confusion- and I know, that if I looked closely at the other forum I'd find EXACTLY those kinds of posts again.

SO I did a bit of just looking about and found this awesome article

HOPEFULLY there is someone out there who is getting ready to share in a loved one's deployment who can use the information in that article. WIsh I had found it sooner. Hope someone can share it later-

Good luck.

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